Screamers (1995 film)

Screamers is a 1995 dystopian science fiction film starring Peter Weller, Roy Dupuis, and Jennifer Rubin, and directed by Christian Duguay. The screenplay, written by Dan OBannon with a rewrite by Miguel TejadaFlores, is based on Philip K. Dicks short story Second Variety, and addresses themes commonly found in that authors work societal conflict, confusion of reality and illusion, and machines turning upon their creators. Although critical reaction to the film was generally negative at the time of its release, it has gained a cult following. A sequel Screamers The Hunting was released in 2009, to equally mixed reviews.

A fragile stalemate is in effect between the two exhausted, poorly supplied, and undermanned armies. A message guaranteeing safe passage through NEB territory to discuss a truce is recovered from a dead NEB soldier, killed by screamers as he approached the Alliance compound. As Alliance commanding officer Joe Hendricksson Weller ponders this development, he receives word from Earth that peace negotiations are underway. Not true, says Private Ace Jefferson Andrew Lauer, newly arrived from Earth. Hendricksson is not surprised, as he suspects that both sides have simply written off Sirius 6B and abandoned their armies.Hendricksson decides that the only realistic chance of survival for himself and his soldiers is to accept the NEB truce offer. He sets out for a meeting with the enemy commander, accompanied by Jefferson. While traveling through a destroyed city they come upon a war orphan, a young boy named David Michael Caloz, clutching a teddy bear. Unwilling to abandon a defenseless civilian, they bring the boy along. The following night they are attacked by a screamer that they have never before encountered. Hendricksson is alarmed that their Alliance tabs did not protect them. ........

Source: Wikipedia